Work Injury

Work Injury with Chiropractic Services in Napa Valley

Workers’ Compensation is a term used by the State which is used by your employer and your doctor to describe the process of care to be taken when you are injured at work.

One of the most common disabling injuries on the job is strain and sprain of the back or spine or reparative motion injury such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Most frequently the strain or sprain occurs in the lower back. Bending and lifting improperly are responsible for most of these cases, although neck and mid-back injuries can also occur in similar situations.

The doctor of chiropractic stresses maintaining the mechanical integrity of the spine. Upon injury, the individual often alters the normal position or flexibility of the spinal vertebrae. Chiropractic treatment is designed to restore normal alignment and thus minimize pain and suffering. Gentile manipulative therapy or “adjustment” is often effective in rapidly returning the injured person to a productive status.

The doctor of chiropractic can also provide guidance with advice designed to reduce work-related injuries. The proper lifting procedures and the therapeutic stretching exercises he can suggest may prove helpful in preventing future injuries.

A lot of people suffer when someone is hurt on the job. Chiropractic care has been shown to be effective in relieving pain and suffering for the injured worker quickly and easily; getting him or her back on the job sooner; reducing productivity lost to the employer; and cutting down on the overall cost of treatment.

NOTE: Making a false or fraudulent workers’ compensation claim is a felony subject to up to five years in prison or a fine of up to $50,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine.