
Scoliosis Correction and Pain Management with de Wet Chiropractic in Napa

Scoliosis means an abnormal lateral (sideways) curvature of the spine. There are two main types called postural and structural.

Postural scoliosis can be corrected and is caused by some irregularity of posture such as unequal leg length. Structural scoliosis can be due to abnormalities or diseases of bones, muscles or nerves. Between the ages of about 9 and 14, children’s bones grow rapidly. At this time, the back-bone or spine may sometimes show signs of developing scoliosis. Equal numbers of boys and girls will have a small degree of scoliosis but progression of the curvature is 8 to 10 times more common in girls.

Early detection enables early treatment. This may control the condition and prevent other problems developing in later years. Although this may occur as a result of diseases affecting the bones and muscles around the spine, in 90 per cent of cases there is no obvious cause. However, the condition does seem to run in families.

Often the curvature of the spine is not noticed as the affected person will ‘compensate’ by the way they stand, often with one shoulder higher than the other. It is best seen by getting the affected child to bend forward with legs straight. If one side of the back seems higher than the other, scoliosis may be present.

Fortunately in most cases the curvature does not get any worse as the child grows and they will not have any problems in adult life. Sometimes, however, the curve in the spine gets greater as the spine gets longer with growth. Unsightly and sometimes painful deformities, which interfere with normal activities, can be the result if nothing is done.

If treatment is necessary it may consist of braces which are fitted to the individual child in an attempt to control and restrict the amount of curvature during the growth stage so that there is only a minor problem in adulthood.